Dear writers,
I would like to offer you a space to write about whatever crosses your mind as a foreigner living in or visiting Finland. My Salmiakki Life is there for us and all of you are welcome to contribute!
Nonetheless, there must be some basic rules established:
- language of writing is English – but don’t be afraid if your English is not perfect. Mine is neither. Most important is if you have something to say. Everything else can be polished.
- max. length of one blog is 2500 words. Longer texts will be divided into more blogs.
- max. 2 pictures can be added in JPG form
- constructive criticism is appreciated, but not a hate speech
- texts with discriminatory content based on sex, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, religion etc. will not be published
- anonymous texts will not be published, but we can discuss publishing under the nickname if it’s necessary to protect the author’s identity
- publishing is free of charge and there is no payment for authors
- blog publishing is unenforceable
Interested to join? Contact us on