
Immigrants living in Finland have broad talents, skills and knowledge. In this section, I would like to make it visible. All texts are based on the interviews with one of you and about topics you are an expert in. Either it is bus driving, software developing, running a restaurant or taking care of your children. All expertise matters.

The perception of success is individual and you don’t have to have a fancy university degree or a super cool job. Your success might be based on your life experience and the knowledge you obtain out of it. All stories matters.

My social bubble is limited, so if you would like to be interviewed or if you know somebody who might be willing to talk with me, I’m happy to listen to you. Please contact me at

Say yes to an interview

When I moved to Finland, it felt like there was a match

I met Gulja in person exactly once. During a hot summer day in June 2021, when we agreed to meet to record the interview for this article. Before that, we had met only online. Despite meeting just once, I have this pleasant feeling, that I have known her for a much longer time than we…


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